A New Era of Disaster Relief
Cajun Navy Ground Force is a 501c3 disaster relief non-profit established in August 2016. When disaster strikes, we are ready to help. We quickly mobilize volunteers from our arsenal of nationwide trained professionals to swiftly respond. We partner with national and local corporations, donors, the federal government and community leaders for funding to provide supplemental services to those in dire need. We accomplish this through three core programs: SAFE Camp, Community Caretaker Volunteers, and our Remote teams.
SAFE Camp (Swift Action Force Emergency) is a citizen command center and a safe place for volunteers and non-profits to work together. Through a partnership with Walmart, we set up in a nearby store parking lot to provide food, supply collection and distribution, water, non-profit collaboration, medical and mental health care, laundry facilities and more to meet the needs of disaster survivors. When disaster strikes and community-based organizations are overwhelmed, we are ready to help.
COMMUNITY CARETAKING- Each and every volunteer with the Cajun Navy Ground Force is a Community Caretaker. Our mission is to bring hope to individuals and help them regain a sense of control over their lives after a major weather event. Sometimes, it’s just a hug. Sometimes it’s removing a tree from a roof. Sometimes it’s passing out water or essential supplies. That’s what our Ground Force Community Caretaker Volunteers do. We stay behind after a natural disaster and assist with whatever we can. We provide continuity for survivors and the greater disaster community.
REMOTE TEAM- Our Remote Team members provide essential dispatch, technology, marketing, and logistics support from an off-site location. You won’t be on the ground or in our social media posts, because your job is to provide critical information and oversight to the entire operation. These roles vary. You might be in constant communication with our teams, Incident Commanders, SAFE Camp Director and Local Community Caretaker Volunteers. Our Remote Team operations are broadcast on the Zello Cannel: Cajun Navy Disaster Response.