This event is an annual event sponsored by the Prentiss County TRIAD in partnership with the Prentiss County Sheriff’s Department. This is the 24th anniversary of the event. This event is one of numerous opportunities for area Senior Citizen
come together and eat, fellowship, enjoy entertainment and learn important tips concerning safety, avoidance of scams, good health tips and a variety of other things that can improve the lives of our Senior Citizens. The Prentiss County TRIAD was formed in 2000 under the guidance of the MIssissippi Leadership Council of Aging. The Attendees will enjoy local entertainment during the event, but most of all they will enjoy the fellowship with others that they may only see once a year.
Volunteers are needed for entertainment, preparing plates of food for the Senior Citizens, Serving the Seniors, handing out door prizes, and cleaning up after the event and breaking down tables and chair. Many of the Seniors need assistance when they exit their vehicles and enter building. We strive to make this a special day for the Senior Citizens.